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View Full Version : How do you use Terminal Services Client or VNC over bluetooth on the 1945

12-31-2003, 10:01 AM
I'd love to figure that out, or know what other programs there are for it

Thanks for your help :D

Janak Parekh
12-31-2003, 06:52 PM
Set up a Bluetooth LAN connection. I haven't used the 1945, but I believe there's an option in the Bluetooth Manager to start a LAN connection... this, of course, is assuming you have the ability to do a LAN connection on the other end's Bluetooth device.


01-03-2004, 11:47 AM
seems like the problem is that it can't connect to my PC through the network :(

01-03-2004, 07:12 PM
You should be able to connect to a PC on the same network segment assuming it has shares available.

I connect via WIFI to my primary PC on my wireless LAN.
I use Resco Explorer (use google to find if you dont have) and it has
a network neighborhood and can see other devices on my LAN.

Good luck

Janak Parekh
01-03-2004, 07:20 PM
I connect via WIFI to my primary PC on my wireless LAN.
Atooraya's trying to connect through BT, though, not WiFi.

Atooraya, what happens when you try to connect? Does it hang partway through the connection process? I've anecdotally found that either you must have a Bluetooth Access Point or you must enable Internet Connection Sharing on the deskop for LAN connections to work properly.


01-04-2004, 10:14 AM
I connect via WIFI to my primary PC on my wireless LAN.
Atooraya's trying to connect through BT, though, not WiFi.

Atooraya, what happens when you try to connect? Does it hang partway through the connection process? I've anecdotally found that either you must have a Bluetooth Access Point or you must enable Internet Connection Sharing on the deskop for LAN connections to work properly.

It just closes down, and for a SPLIT second you can see a box that says "conncection failed" :-/