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View Full Version : aye my 2215 has sometin broken

11-26-2003, 11:23 PM
guys I thought I might ask here b4 sending my baby for repair. I get random hard resets not due to programs (as I got the hard reset even when it was clean) and not due to power as the battery is still full and i tried with my other battery. the peculiarity about this resets is that the ipaq is unresponsive to the power, soft and hard reset procedure and the only way to make it come back to life is to plug it in the power at which point all the lights on the ipaq flash and it reset. does any1 know what it could be?

11-27-2003, 12:02 PM
If you say it has that behaviour, even after a hard reset, that rules out a possible issue with a 3rd party software.
The other possible issue would be battery, that you've also ruled out, so I think it should be some hardware problem within the unit itself.

11-27-2003, 07:14 PM
thx for the reply, i will let hp know lol