View Full Version : Toshiba News Roundup
Janak Parekh
10-23-2003, 08:00 PM
It looks like Toshiba is officially releasing their new Pocket PCs today. The Register has information on the <a href="">release of the e805</a> and the French site <a href="">has a review</a> (a fairly mediocre English translation is <a href="">here</a>). CNET, in the meantime, <a href="">reviewed the e405</a>, and they like it, although they point out it's not that different from the e355.<br /><br /><b>Updates:</b> <ul><li> Toshiba has updated their <a href="">product pages</a>. <li> For those of you who are curious about the 480x640 screen in PIE, <a href="">Jenneth posted</a> about a <a href="">PDAFrance</a> article with some fantastic screenshots. Since their site is a little slow, I've linked one illustrative shot here. Click on the image for a larger version.</ul> <a href=""><img src="" /></a>
10-23-2003, 08:36 PM
Sweet! Just imagine the image quality. That screen would be awesome for photographs. Perhaps the text would be a bit small, but still readable. Again, just 8O .
Janak Parekh
10-23-2003, 08:40 PM
I believe the PDAFrance article has a screenshot with a picture; take a look. :)
10-23-2003, 08:41 PM
Damn. Want one :D .
Damn. Can't afford one :(
10-23-2003, 08:47 PM
Remember, it's a Toshiba. It might be nice, but don't expect it to be supported in 6 months!
10-23-2003, 09:08 PM
I wonder if it supports this resolution for pocket word and excel. I would definitely consider it if it did. I think most people were wondering if it supported pie and it does. Toshiba might do alright with this one.
10-23-2003, 09:15 PM
This is nice.....
I have been hoping Microsoft would of pushed the benchmark up a little higher and support a higher resolution on PPCs... But Microsoft just seems to be in other places but the PPC.
I think it's great to see an OEM make such a bold move like this. Hopefully this will create a stirr amongst other OEMs and will see some new device packing this type of res and more.
Now..... If Microsoft or other OEMs would implement Landscape mode with this kind of Res...That would be sweet.
10-23-2003, 09:20 PM
I wonder if it supports this resolution for pocket word and excel. I would definitely consider it if it did. I think most people were wondering if it supported pie and it does. Toshiba might do alright with this one.
Yes, so far, below apps have been confirmed working in 480*640
Pocket IE
Pocket Word
Pocket Excel
I think I'll skip a generation and stick to my 2210.
10-23-2003, 09:43 PM
Wow, this is incredible!!! I was so sold on an IPAQ 5555 cause the main selling point was the built-in Bluetooth & WiFi. What sells me on the Toshiba is screen resolution, 4" screen, CF slot, SD slot &&& it's smaller/lighter than the IPAQ! Though it I add a Bluetooth card, it will add an ounce or two to the overall weight, bringing it identical to the IPAQ.
I'm going to wait about a month before I make my choice. This is a tough one....
Felix Torres
10-23-2003, 09:52 PM
I wonder if it supports this resolution for pocket word and excel. I would definitely consider it if it did. I think most people were wondering if it supported pie and it does. Toshiba might do alright with this one.
Yes, so far, below apps have been confirmed working in 480*640
Pocket IE
Pocket Word
Pocket Excel
Alright! Now we're talking!
As soon as a couple third-part Apps (textmaker, for one) start supporting VGA display and the discounting reaches a reasonable level, I'm jumping...
Of course, now that Toshiba is doing VGA, one can reasonably expec HP to counter, no?
Things should get interesting by spring...
Janak Parekh
10-23-2003, 09:57 PM
Yes -- take a look at the screenshots I pointed to on the frontpage -- there's an example of Reader running at 480x640. :drool:
As soon as a couple third-part Apps (textmaker, for one) start supporting VGA display and the discounting reaches a reasonable level, I'm jumping...
Seeing as how TextMaker came from a HPC background, it shouldn't be too hard for them to update their product...
Things should get interesting by spring...
Absolutely. :D
Funny, until now none of the WM2003 devices have tempted me to move from my trusty Axim X5. Now there are two that are worthy of consideration.
I like the e800 for it's super screen, dual slots and good memory. Only problem is that it only has 802. 11b - no BT.
I also like the Loox 610. This has every feature I want but without the mega screen. The only dual slot dual radio PPC.
if I had to buy one today it would probably be the Loox. I'm getting fed up with the T Mobile Starbucks deal, I think I should switch to cellphone access.
I'm even more fed up with swapping cards so I think I'd take the two radios of the LooX over the great screen of the e800.
It's a shame Toshiba didn't include BT. They would have the ultimate PPC had they done so.
10-23-2003, 10:04 PM
I hope this new screen will spur and usher a new revolution in PPC's. Suddenly looking at at 5450 is like having a Vic20. Damn this screen is sweet.
10-23-2003, 10:19 PM
Doesn't the operating system have to support the higher resolution? I never heard that microsoft had enabled that. did they? if they didn't, does anyone know of plans to do so? If they didn't is toshiba playing tricks like the nydytot virtual display does? :?
Peter Traugot
10-23-2003, 10:19 PM
Um, as for the built in 802.11b. . . From the Toshiba web site:
"Equipped with Intel® PXA263 processor 400MHz, Microsoft® Mobile Software for Pocket PC 2003 Premium Edition, 4.0” TFT Transreflective Color display (240 x 320 portrait resolution w/64K colors), 128MB SDRAM memory, 32MB CMOS Flash ROM, 32MB NAND Memory (Flash ROM Disk) Application memory, ATI Graphics Controller w/2MB internal video memory, 1-SD (Secure Digital) card slot (3.3V), 1-Type I/II CF Card Slot (3.3V), integrated Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) . . . "
It's GOT 802.11b!! , oh, but it's Toshiba :roll: What to do, what to do . . .
Janak Parekh
10-23-2003, 10:22 PM
Doesn't the operating system have to support the higher resolution? I never heard that microsoft had enabled that. did they? if they didn't, does anyone know of plans to do so? If they didn't is toshiba playing tricks like the nydytot virtual display does? :?
CE itself supports higher resolutions, but it's unsupported at the Pocket PC level. The experience would be similar to what Nyditot provides, except that you get a true 640x480 on the LCD as opposed to scaling or panning. A number of Pocket PC apps seem to work decently, though. You'll get a few quirks in some.
10-23-2003, 10:25 PM
Toshiba has been on the leading edge with many of their pda's.I had the e740 which had built-in Wi-Fi, removable battery, dedicated graphics processor, and a USB/VGA expansion pack, before just about anyone else.
My biggest problem was with support.If anything went wrong, trying to get hold of someone was next to impossible.Additionally, Toshiba's commitment had always seemed divided among multiple product lines, such as the Genio.They were always looking to the next model and left a number of problems with their current models unaddressed.
The lack of a Windows Mobile 2003 upgrade for a year and a half old pda which cost me $500 was the final straw.
The best thing about the 805 is not owning one, but that it shows that true VGA is possible for PPC's.More reliable manufacturers will incorporate similar higher displays in their own pda's, probably at a friendlier price.
I'll be happy to wait.Fool me once, shame on you.Fool me twice,.....
10-23-2003, 10:28 PM
Come to butthead.
Now I'm in a pickle. Should I go with an e805 for the VGA res or a 4350 for the thumb-board? CRAP!
What I need is an e804350!! :pimp:
10-23-2003, 10:39 PM
According to the article at , Westtek's ClearVue suite (included) is the only one to support VGA, but the writer did a simple hack to get support in apps like Outlook, IE, Pictures and Reader.
I wonder if it supports this resolution for pocket word and excel. I would definitely consider it if it did. I think most people were wondering if it supported pie and it does. Toshiba might do alright with this one.
Jonathon Watkins
10-23-2003, 10:48 PM
NICE! Very, very tempting - waiting to see what comes out in the wash.
10-23-2003, 10:55 PM
Of course lots of marketing hype too - VoIP support? Well, just add SIP phone software to other wi-fi PDA and you have the same... :devilboy:
10-23-2003, 11:12 PM
Of course lots of marketing hype too - VoIP support? Well, just add SIP phone software to other wi-fi PDA and you have the same...
Well. . . . not exactly. The e800 series has a 4 ring jack that allows you to use a 3.5mm headpiece with mic.
Now, if only they added BT with BT headset support. THAT would be sweet for VOIP.
10-23-2003, 11:16 PM
Make a contest at winning this I cant afford but maybe itll be my lucky day :multi:
10-24-2003, 12:32 AM
is there not ana adaptor to the 3.5 plug????
if you are trying to decide between that one and the hp what is the reason you would use it for the most? I dont want to spend that kind of money on it. I stick to the basics, it is nice, but it is the first, Iwill wait, I have thepatience and when I see what I want that is higher priced I will get it.
hehe, I always think it isfunny how they come out with a new one and a few months late a newer one;)
10-24-2003, 12:45 AM
All I can say is :drool: When the time comes for me to get a new ppc imagine what Toshiba will have then.
10-24-2003, 01:31 AM
I wonder if the gotomypc client would work at the resolution?
Now THAT would be a killer app!
10-24-2003, 05:00 AM
Anyone know if there are reliable, not hideously expensive GPRS CF or SD cards? I'm looking at going totally wireless since a cellphone provider here is now offering local calling at the same price as wired, with my same phone number, and decent data speeds for all-you-can-eat at $50/month. I'm very much thinking that if this Toshiba could be made into a cellphone I'd go for it. But last time I checked (not very interested in wireless until now) there was only the Spider, and it cost a fortune and was little supported. Are there GPRS cards available generally, and how are they on power consumption?
The huge resolution and very large screen, the dual slots, and of course the mega-potent optional battery (2640mAh!!), make this the first serious leap in PPC design in a very long time. Too much energy has been spent on emulating Palm-ish things, trying to tempt such users away with ultra-light, rounded designed, and generally under-equipped semi-computers. When I got into the PPC in the first place, it was with the delusion that this was the only computer I'd need. After a while I made the disappointing discovery that without also buying a PC, the PPC was more or less crippled. A lot has changed since then, but the tethering to a PC remains a resented thing for me. Stuff like Xacrett, WinRAR for PPC, Resco Explorer, CabInstl, MultiIE, Pocket Artist, Textmaker, and a host of other softwares make standalone PPC use very comfortable. This Toshiba seems to me to offer another big step in that direction. Good going, Toshiba.
For all the complaints about support, well, look at PPC history. Casio support? Yeah, right. Sporadic at best, with little instances here and there, and Crowdie of Casio New Zealand seemingly taking up the slack for the rest of the corporation. Compaq? Well, they did have that box you got in the mail to send in your unit for replacement... But in the face of dust bunnies under screens, stylus 'locks' that don't hold the stylus, stupid cursorpad designs, the intentional burden of bulky and expensive sleeves, frankly I'd prefer poor support over bad quality any day. Then there are all those other companies, suddenly cranking out cheap, gone-in-3-months models. Seriously, has anyone even seen a Viewsonic V35 in a store lately? Well, maybe they only lasted a season in this town...
Toshiba has as good a reputation in Japan as does Fujitsu, and that's not half bad. Now they are ripping a piece off the hide of all the competition with several killer features no one else has, and I think it's great. A good hard shove for the other OEMs really can't hurt. If HP comes out next spring with an e800-like device, I'll have a look, but with the clunky and ugly designs of Compaq and HP designs past (not counting the rather elegant old Jornadas with those very slick flip-lids), I'd be very surprised to see anything out-do the e800.
10-24-2003, 05:11 AM
You live in the wrong country for cheap GPRS CF cards. Everything in the US and Canada I've seen is around $200. Here in Taiwan you can get one for $75 bucks and an unlimited data plan for $18 a month. All figures US.
10-24-2003, 05:22 AM
harumph. Thanks for rubbing my nose in it. My girlfriend (what's the rule on calling her a girlfriend, anyway, in terms of years spent under the same roof?) visits Japan once in a while, and when I hear of the fiesta of cheap and amazing electronics (all in Japanese, of course, and thus useless to me) I get all fuzzy. Must be grand, getting close looks at all the latest toys.
Well, time for a Google I guess. Got to find out a lot of things before I call up and cancel my landline. Maybe in a few months... once the bugs in the e800 are ironed out. I'd hate to be stuck without a phone because they need it back for warranty repair. Of course, I guess it's cheap enough to get a used cellphone and just swap out a SIM card, right? I know nothing.
Craig Horlacher
10-24-2003, 05:29 AM
I'll start by saying I'm refering to the technical specifications and abilities of the hardware I mention. I'm not defending Toshiba on their poor customer support, lack of upgrades, power managment problems, etc. They deserve critisizim for that...As Eye due fer mie scpeling. I just think that technicaly speaking, Toshiba deserves more credit than they've gotten and compaq/hp deserve far less then they have gotten.
I am amazed at the way some people are not impressed by this (Toshiba e800) yet they still think Ipaq's are innovative. The only Ipaq (imho) that was really innovative was the first one since it was the first pocket pc with the 206MHz StrongArm and a color screen that was ok outside. Since then one had a fingerprint scanner (anyone actually use that?) and they've finaly started at least giving you an mmc/sd slot. Yet for some reason, every Ipaq is "innovative" and doesn't even the have a cf slot (ok maybe the latest model finaly does). I must be missing something.
Toshiba on the other hand released the e740 with sd and cf type I/II and 802.11b. Nobody made a big deal about it. They release the e800 with a high resolution screen, sd, cf, 802.11b and people start to notice. However, some still complain that it doesn't have bluetooth. I just find this funny since it's got 128MB of built in ram and two card slots. Pick a slot, get the bluetooth card, you'll have one sick pocket pc!!! It just seems that nobody is ever critical of dumb things on ipaq's like no cf, no 802.11b (on most models that are supposed so good), non-user replaceable batteries (on many models), and bulky sleeves (for cf, kind of defeats the purpose).
I would go so far as to say that compaq/hp is responsible for the lack of (to steal a term from Billy) "innovation" in pocket pc's because they have consistantly released pocket pc's without any significat new features. Why, because they never had to. They realized that people would gawk at anything they put out there that looked like it was engineered by PlaySkool and Apple. They stuck with that model, and it's worked. People wonder why palm os devices are catching up. I think it's easy to see why. Compaq/HP didn't see a reason to innovate and other companies weren't in the position too.
Demand more in new Ipaq's!!!
In case you're wondering
HP OminGo - > Phillips Nino -> Casio E125 (current)
The e800 is looking good - I may go for it if it's not too buggy. I'm obviously due for an upgrade. :)
Thanks for reading my little rant. I hope it didn't sound too harsh.
10-24-2003, 06:30 AM
Well put Vector. Well put. That was a very good post. I couldn't agree more. :clap:
10-24-2003, 11:57 AM
+1 :D
10-24-2003, 12:56 PM
I too am one who would prefer bluetooth over wifi, since I actually USE bluetooth occasionally. People who complain about Toshibas poor quality issues seem to forget that the ipaq was the KING of buggy pocket pcs. I used to be a casio man and swore id never own one. Guess what with the 3970 they got their act together and now I own one. So companies, like people can change. Oh yeah, i'll probalby be getting one! :twisted:
10-24-2003, 01:50 PM
harumph. Thanks for rubbing my nose in it. My girlfriend (what's the rule on calling her a girlfriend, anyway, in terms of years spent under the same roof?) visits Japan once in a while, and when I hear of the fiesta of cheap and amazing electronics (all in Japanese, of course, and thus useless to me) I get all fuzzy. Must be grand, getting close looks at all the latest toys.
Well, time for a Google I guess. Got to find out a lot of things before I call up and cancel my landline. Maybe in a few months... once the bugs in the e800 are ironed out. I'd hate to be stuck without a phone because they need it back for warranty repair. Of course, I guess it's cheap enough to get a used cellphone and just swap out a SIM card, right? I know nothing.
Talk to the provider. Some will give you a cloned SIM card so you don't have to swap them out. You can only use one at a time of course, but it's definitely worth it. SE Ti68's are dirt cheap now(about $60/even cheaper with a plan) and are very nice BT phones. I bet if you do some searching you can find an online retailer with a decent deal of a CF II GPRS card as well. Good luck.
My gawd, I.. I can't stop drooling :D
How the heck will I afford all these gadgets though... I just read about Panasonic's SV-AV100, another grand to save up for :(,4149,1361694,00.asp
10-24-2003, 06:23 PM
Everything I've seen says 480*640 - is there no ability to switch into portrait mode with this? I know it's not built into the OS but I wonder if Toshiba included a utility?? That would make web surfing even better...
10-24-2003, 06:59 PM
Everything I've seen says 480*640 - is there no ability to switch into portrait mode with this? I know it's not built into the OS but I wonder if Toshiba included a utility?? That would make web surfing even better...
If you just need web surfing, yes , mulitIE 3.0 can rotate IE on the fly.
Did anyone else notice that Toshiba's site gives the specs as only 240x320? It does NOT say 640x480 anywhere on that page that I can find.
I've been very happy with my e550G and extremely spoiled with the 4" screen, as dim and dusty as it is. I haven't been happy with Toshiba's support though, so I'm not sure I want another Toshiba product. I'll have to see one to decide.
10-25-2003, 05:03 AM
Circuit City already has the e405 in stock here in Sterling VA. Saw it today. Too busy playing with the Sony Clie UX-50. ;)
10-25-2003, 09:16 AM
Beautiful, the e805 should be in stores before I arrive in the US next Saturday then. ;)
10-27-2003, 02:42 PM
For the 27th of October, there is a discussion of the Toshiba E800 complete with many pictures. If it is no longer on the main page, scroll down to the archives for "Année 2003". It'll probably be link "S44" or so (you'll see what I mean) to find the 27th of October. We don't like to link directly to other site's images, as this can tend to upset them. The direct image links have therefore been removed from this post.
*** Edited by moderator KC 27-Oct-03
10-27-2003, 06:16 PM
Benchmark BMQ ( ( + Mobile01 ( :
. Total : e800 : 723 ; Mio 558 : 733 ; Asus A620 : 669
. Integer : e800 : 1158 ; Mio 558 : 1197 ; Asus A620 : 1241
. Float : e800 : 121 ; Mio 558 : 108 ; Asus A620 : 184
. Draw : e800 : 744 ; Mio 558 : 906 ; Asus A620 : 496
. Window : e800 : 251 ; Mio 558 : 119 ; Asus A620 : 211
. Memory : e800 : 1346 ; Mio 558 : 1337 ; Asus A620 : 1213
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