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View Full Version : Battery Pack & Pocket Plus plug-in help

09-07-2003, 09:38 AM
for battery pack; is there anyway to remove the following?:
-the new red "ok" button
-the red bar underneath the clock (next to the ok button)
-the drop down menu under the "ok" button
i love battery pack, but those 3 things just annoy me and i want to get rid of them. the website was no help on how to remove/disable them and support hasnt responded to emails...can they be removed at all?

for pocketplus; it installed itself to the "settings" folder (same folder where "remove programs" is). i want to move it to another folder, how can i do this? i have resco file explorer and tried searching for it and to move it, but with no success. can someone help me?


Go Cowboys!
09-07-2003, 04:45 PM
Not sure about red power button
To get rid of red bar-hit red cog icon on right side of battery bar on Today screen, Highlight Battery Bar, tap options, tap power bars tab, deselect both check boxes, tap OK back out.
For drop down menu, this sounds like a function of a task manager. Do you have WisBar or IcBar installed? Both utilize drop down menus from the top task bar.

09-07-2003, 09:05 PM
thanks for helping me remove the battery bar. i really dont like that drop down menu thing because i already use tillanosoft smallmenuplus and i like it a lot better than batterypack's one.

update: i just figured out how to remove the red ok button and drop down menu. it had to goto the power adjust (which i removed from the program bar).