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View Full Version : TopDog and Maximus and .DLLs

08-06-2003, 11:07 AM
No, I haven't, what DLL's are that?

Did you installed wimr(you will not be able to view .dlls using file explorer)? If yes, go to \program files\pocket presence\running voice\ ... there will be two sets of dlls:
1. the ones that starts with PP*G30.dll
2. the ones that are just *.dll
i.e. You will see a file named PP_gsme_G30.dll and gsme.dll

I deleted all the files that do not start with PP*.dll, except nsf.dll and zlibce.dll. And running voice runs perfectly. Extra 1.4 megs free RAM.

That sounds a little bit dangerous, DLL's are often there for a reason!?
BTW: I haven't upgraded from 2.x, I've installed the full 3.0 version.

Yeah, I think those dlls are for the RVGSM 2.x that were no longer needed by version 3.x

About the avatar.... that was kinda the point :rainbowafro:

So we are back to the sixties again ? he he. You should make your hair curly then :p

08-06-2003, 12:05 PM
I deleted all the files that do not start with PP*.dll, except nsf.dll and zlibce.dll. And running voice runs perfectly. Extra 1.4 megs free RAM. I only have PP*.dll, nsf.dll and zlibce.dll.

Yeah, I think those dlls are for the RVGSM 2.x that were no longer needed by version 3.xProbably. My PPC froze and I was forced to take a hard-reset the same week as I recieved RVGSM 3.0 for review from PocketPresence, so thats probably why I don't have them :-)

08-10-2003, 04:45 PM
Topdog : your latest avatar looks like it is directly taken from a 60's movie. he heh. oh by the way, you use the RVGSM 3.0 right ? did you delete all the unnecessary *.dlls on the \running voice\ directory ? It will save you 1 megs of memory space ... No, I haven't, what DLL's are that?

That sounds a little bit dangerous, DLL's are often there for a reason!?

BTW: I haven't upgraded from 2.x, I've installed the full 3.0 version.

About the avatar.... that was kinda the point :rainbowafro:

08-10-2003, 07:40 PM
They split a thread because of three OT posts?

:confused totally:

methinks someone has an awful lot of bandwidth/disk space to spare when this starts happening. ;)

Kati Compton
08-10-2003, 08:11 PM
They split a thread because of three OT posts?

Normally my tolerance is something like 5, but there were 3 different OT conversations in the source thread. So I was just going to split them all out. I did this one first, but then when I went to do the "car" posts, it turned out there were only 2 that could be split (I had thought it was more). And the Strong Bad conversation was very much entwined in places with the actual topic, so I was getting a headache trying to figure out where to split it.

So I stopped. ;)

08-10-2003, 11:38 PM
Normally my tolerance is something like 5, but there were 3 different OT conversations in the source thread.

That sounds reasonable now. But splitting after five? Steve may have a thing or two to learn from you. ;)

08-11-2003, 02:44 AM
Actually, the topic of this thread is wrong ... Topdog and myself were not discussing about his DLLs ... but we were discussing pocket presence's DLLs. :rotfl:

Kati Compton
08-11-2003, 02:59 AM
Actually, the topic of this thread is wrong ... Topdog and myself were not discussing about his DLLs ... but we were discussing pocket presence's DLLs. :rotfl:
Troublemaker! I changed the title of the thread to "TopDog and Maximus and .DLLs", but a forum bug then moved the first post to be 3rd in the thread!

I blame you. :lol:

08-11-2003, 07:06 AM
Doh. Because of your action, people will think that Topdog replied his own post. He will forever be referred to as a loony. Mwahahaha.

08-11-2003, 07:16 AM
He will forever be referred to as a loony.Yeah, what else is new :mecry:

08-11-2003, 09:23 PM
He will forever be referred to as a loony.

Or a Twonie!

(sorry, 'nother OT post. :twak: Twonies are Canada's $2 currency) :nonono:

08-12-2003, 02:04 AM
He will forever be referred to as a loony.

Or a Twonie!

(sorry, 'nother OT post. :twak: Twonies are Canada's $2 currency) :nonono:

It is good to see that you self-moderate yourself lately ... :rotfl: