View Full Version : Pocket PCs Track Public Smoke
Brad Adrian
05-28-2003, 09:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div>This BBC News story describes Dublin researchers who are developing a Pocket PC-based tool for detecting and tracking the amount of smoke in public places like pubs and restaurants.<br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br />The story and photos don't give many details, but it looks as though this module plugs into the sync port of and iPAQ. It can measure carbon monoxide and some of the other particles that are given off by cigarette smoke. It also looks as though one of the main purposes of the device will be to fuel the debate over a proposed Ireland-wide ban on smoking in public places. <br /><br />I just LOVE seeing stories about new uses for Pocket PCs. Of course, I'd also like to see someone develop a few similar tools that could measure other public nuisances like:<br /><br />• The amount of noise given off by that screaming kid who always sits behind me on airplanes<br />• The intensity of the aftershave being worn by the loud, obnoxious person dining at the next table
05-28-2003, 09:41 AM
I'd also like to see someone develop a few similar tools that could measure other public nuisances like:
• The amount of noise given off by that screaming kid who always sits behind me on airplanes
• The intensity of the aftershave being worn by the loud, obnoxious person dining at the next table
And what about a system to detect the noise level of the jerks that always arrive at the cinema just as you've settled and talk and giggle loudly all the way through the movie despite frequent requests to shut up?
That way you could just show the cashier the reading when you are demanding your money back :D
05-28-2003, 09:46 AM
What about one to detect the embarassment felt by the parents of the screaming kid when the guy in front keeps looking back and thinking "why can't they shut that kid up" and the parent thinks" why can't I quieten him down , he's been like that since last night and I'm exhausted. Why can't people cut me some slack?"
Certified Optimist
05-28-2003, 10:13 AM
• The amount of noise given off by that screaming kid who always sits behind me on airplanes
The secret to surviving any flight is... airplugs in and then the airplane headphone on top on full blast! :sleeping:
That way the parents can enjoy their kids (I kind of feel sorry for them... sometimes....) and I can enjoy my flight.
...if you forget your airplugs... remember the mantra "I am in a happy place, I am in a happy place..."
05-28-2003, 12:40 PM
... despite frequent requests to shut up?
Does "Hey buddy, shut the %#@$ up before I come back there and stick my foot in your arse!" count as a "request"??? :D
05-28-2003, 01:30 PM
How about a SD or CF card with sensors for temperature, humidity,air pressure etc for Pocket PC, so you could have your own little weatherstation.
05-28-2003, 05:30 PM
Too bad they didn't make this system "seek-and-destroy"... :D
05-28-2003, 05:59 PM
How about an anger detector for when some moron driver cuts you off without a directional while yapping on a cell phone?
Brad Adrian
05-28-2003, 06:05 PM
How about an anger detector for when some moron driver cuts you off without a directional while yapping on a cell phone?
Naw, that wouldn't work for me, because I'd be too busy making a call on my Phone Edition to use the anger detector. ;)
05-28-2003, 06:22 PM
How about an anger detector for when some moron driver cuts you off without a directional while yapping on a cell phone?
We don't need a pocket pc solution for this (although that's never been a good reason NOT to make one) -- we can use the natural detector -- the number of millimeters the vein on the forehead is popping out. :D
05-28-2003, 11:21 PM
If a Pocket PC could do ALL of these things then would it be called a tricorder? :wink: 0X (sorry excuse to use the alien emoticon)
05-29-2003, 02:47 AM
... despite frequent requests to shut up?
Does "Hey buddy, shut the %#@$ up before I come back there and stick my foot in your arse!" count as a "request"??? :D
LOL. Well I WAS trying to say it in a civil manner but that's pretty on form for how I treat the request. ;)
05-29-2003, 04:41 AM
[quote=Brad Adrian]
And what about a system to detect the noise level of the jerks that always arrive at the cinema just as you've settled and talk and giggle loudly all the way through the movie despite frequent requests to shut up?
That way you could just show the cashier the reading when you are demanding your money back :D
I had a couple sitting behind me at the Two Towers, one of whom couldn't hear the movie (imagine that in a modern theater with volumes turned up to 11) and the other couldn't figure out the plot. Talk about annoying.
05-29-2003, 04:52 AM
• The amount of noise given off by that screaming kid who always sits behind me on airplanes
Since having a child, I've grown much more tolerant of screaming children in any situation. On the other hand, I try to be sensitive of the potential annoyance that my child poses and try to make her behave. She's pretty good, I think.
I have had my daughter cry for most of a two-hour plane flight when she was very young and tired. It's not my fault that airlines schedule one flight a day at inconvenient hours and add in a three-hour layover during nap time. Even in those situations, I tried to calm her down, make her sleep, and stop her crying and fussing.
Please try to keep these things in mind the next time you hear crying and screaming children on airplanes. Please reserve your bolts of disgust and annoyance for those who make absolutely no effort to try to shush their children and just assume that the rest of the passengers find their children's screaming as cute as they do. :(
05-29-2003, 07:39 AM
In the good old days, when one could smoke on planes, I would be asked - "smoking or non-smoking?". My response was always - "Don't care, but can I have non-screaming brat please?". The first airline that introduces such an option has my custom forever.
06-05-2003, 10:21 PM
Too bad they didn't make this system "seek-and-destroy"... :D
A very hardline approach! 8O I've always thought tolerance is a better approach myself...
LOL at the other ideas though :)
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