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View Full Version : Cleaning screen

08-31-2002, 11:13 AM
Hi everyone,

I've just gotten some Toshiba screen protectors. But I'd like to clean the screen first. What is the recommended (safe) method to clean the screen? The manual doesn't say anything about that. :( At the present time, the screen has my thumb prints all over it! :(

Much appreciated,


Dave Beauvais
08-31-2002, 05:57 PM
First, I use a can of compressed air to blow off any large bits of dust and dirt which could scratch the screen in the next step. Then, I use a highly advanced process to clean and polish the screen: I breathe on the screen to fog it up and wipe it gently with the oldest, softest cotton t-shirt I can find in the house. ;) Don't press hard while wiping -- just enough to get rid of the smudges and dust. Any lint that's leftover from the shirt gets blown off with the compressed air.

When traveling, I'll often carry one of these cloths (http://products.3m.com/us/home_leisure/products/home_leisure.jhtml?powurl=V4HXZMJSLHgeGSHCV1ZFXKgeGST1T4S9TCgv) with me. They're great for glasses, camera lenses, and Pocket PC screens. (Those people at 3M are geniuses!)

Note: When using compressed air, be very careful around the microphone and speaker since both can be damaged by high-pressure blasts of air.

Cool avatar, by the way, Jess! Neat artistic effect.


08-31-2002, 06:16 PM
Most screen protector kits come with 'alcohol' type cleaning wipes.


(Most, as in the couple of kits I've seen.)

08-31-2002, 10:34 PM
I use an eyeglass cleaning cloth and it works wonders.

09-02-2002, 01:27 AM
Thanks guys. I think I will use a combination of all your tips. :)

P.S. Decius - Thank you! :) I wanted to have a unique looking avatar. :)