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View Full Version : Extra Daylight Savings Time may stump gadgets

08-08-2005, 02:21 PM
I just saw this story on CNN.com

Here is a snippet:
....And that has technologists worried about software and gadgets that now compensate for daylight time based on a schedule unchanged since 1987.

Just thought it was interesting and some food for thought.


Sven Johannsen
08-08-2005, 03:17 PM
For some things that might be an issue, but probably not so much for PPCs/SPs, and desktops. The DST feature is buried in the registry and can be updated. The reason there are multiple entries for individual time zones now is because of the variation in observing time zones, both inclusive dates, and whether it is observed or not. For instance there are three entries for GMT-7, Mountain Time, Chihuaua, and Arizona. If you choose Arizona you get no DST adjustment. I don't know what happens if you pick Chihuahua. I've always wished there was a properties option, or tool tip that told you what you got when you picked someting in Time Zone. In any case, an update for new dates is just a download, or software push, away.

Mike Temporale
08-08-2005, 03:19 PM
Acutally, I think it's a registry setting on the desktop, but if I recall correctly, it's buried in a DLL in Windows Mobile. Which means a ROM patch is needed. I could be wrong on this. I'll have to double check that.