Hello, World!
My name is Don Sorcinelli, and I am one of Android Thoughts new Contributing Editors. If you have been around the Microsoft mobile space for any period of time, you might recognize me. I have been a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for Mobile devices for the past 5 years, having run a user and developer group in the Boston area for nearly 10 years, and working with the Pocket PC / Smartphone / Windows Mobile / Windows Phone developer community at Microsoft local and regional events for nearly as long. By the way - the software developer in me was compelled to create the title line for this introductory post. While a great deal of my time has been spent around the Windows Mobile/Phone platform, my professional work is more expansive with regards to mobility. I have worked for a number of years with enterprises regarding mobility strategies, device deployments and line of business application development. As a result, I have been fortunate to have been exposed to nearly all major mobile platforms from user, IT and developer perspectives. As Google continue to march forward with the Android platform, they (like many others) continue to look to woo businesses and IT organizations in addition to the consumer audience. I look forward to trying to bring my perspective on Android to you, the reader. Hopefully, my background can sometimes shed a different light on some of the news and information coming from the Android world. And for those who may be wondering... no, my passion for the Windows Phone platform has not diminished. In fact, I am currently serving as a Technical Reviewer for one Windows Phone development book while authoring another. My passion is mobility in general, in all of it's amazing and constantly-evolving forms.
Don SorcinelliMicrosoft MVP, Windows Mobile DevicesEditor-In-Chief, BostonPocketPC.com