08-11-2010, 02:30 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Twikini Will Stop Working August 31
If you are using Twikini for your Twitter fix on your Windows Mobile Phone, enjoy it while it lasts. Twitter has changed its authentication method to make things more secure and more trouble free for end users. All Twitter clients need to be updated to take advantage of this. Those that don't will see slowdowns beginning August 16th until August 31st, where the old method of authentication will be blocked altogether. 
Trinket Software, the makers of Twikini, are throwing in the towel on Windows Mobile 6.x and despite collecting a good bit of revenue from users of the popular software, they will make no effort to update the client. Instead, they say it will return for Windows Phone 7 late this year. As someone who has purchased two clients, one for my wife and one for me, I am not a happy camper. I can assure you that if they don't reverse this decision, they will never get another penny from me for any other platform. I'd sooner use the web client, which isn't too bad actually as Twitter has improved it lately, than support a developer of a recent and popular app that drops all support for a paid product. I just noticed in my Quicken records that I paid for Twikini last summer, so barely a year after using it, poof, it is gone. So are at least two of your loyal customers Trinket Software.

08-11-2010, 02:35 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 274
Add me to that list as well, they wont be seeing one penny from me ever again.
Back to being The Last Windows Mobile Fanboy - now with a Dell Venue Pro!

08-11-2010, 04:20 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 1
im also a customer... this is unacceptable...
i do plan on upgrading to a WP7 device later this year but i am planning on using the mobile site until some other client comes out.
Ed thanks for giving us a place to voice our opinions

08-11-2010, 04:37 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 2
i get what they are doing... supporting a twitter client can be a challenge and the finances may not add up... i built tiny twitter way back in the beginning when there weren't any other clients available, only sms. tiny twitter was a labor of love and a tool i needed.
as time went on and i wasn't charging, the amount of inbound requests became overwhelming and i started to lose interest. twitter has also shown some degree of disinterest in 3rd party clients. further, msft is clearly moving fast away from windows mobile. couple all that w/ a challenging day job & the result is even more lack of attention to tiny twitter.
i can sympathize w/ twikini...
anyway, i have built in oauth into tiny twitter for my own use and if enough folks seem interested, i will clean this up and make available.

08-11-2010, 08:43 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 62
WinMo7 Toxicity
This is the kind of stupid and toxic behaviour that is going to kill WinMo for good. I love my HD2, but I can't imagine I would be interested in a WinMo replacement. As long as it can get along with both Exchange an dlocal versions of Outlook an iPhone or Android phone are a lot more likely to be my next choice.
By abandoning any form of backward compatibility, and essentially encouraging Developers to abandon WinMo6.x Users, Microsoft has sown the salt on their own fields. Who would ever choose another MSoft OS with this sort of thing going on?
I have a significant investment in my WinMo software, and I'm not just going to pay for it all over again! Developers should wise-up and realize that their existing customer base has a real incentive to migrate away from WinMo if they expect them to pony up for a completely new set of Apps.
If Msoft had a clue, they would be subsidizing the new Apps to previous customers of WinMo 6.x in order to make a migration to WinMo7 seem at least barely logical. Given that MSoft has already pre-disappointed us all by telling us that WinMo7 is only half-baked, with many crucial features that WinMo customers have depended on for years not implemented (hello! I can't edit docs or transfer information from App to App without Cut/Paste! Even Apple has figured this one out!) it all looks just like so many other MSoft OS roll outs that are a disaster for their Customers (anyone remember Win Me, Vista?). MSoft should have aknowleged a long time ago that they have EARNED a bad reputation for new OS roll outs and embraced means to minimize the effects and risks for their customers. Instead they seem compeltely tone-deaf and are embracing policies that drive their customers away.
Twikini = tip of the iceberg that's going to sink WinMo due to MSoft's arrogance and foolishness!

08-11-2010, 10:30 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Actually, because of the new "Marketplace only" model for app distribution, I think you will have to pay for it all again. I cannot imagine the logicstical nightmare of a current owner of Application-X getting it from the Marketplace at no cost vs what we do now - just get it from the developer and inputting the reg code.

08-11-2010, 10:51 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 50
I had about 14 programs on my site using the old Twitter API (simple password/username to update status with eg. Create a Tweet each time you pee) and found out about the new oAuth changes. They even have a website to show when the old Twitter API is going down:
There are (hundreds) of C# examples on the internet (they have lots of SDKs for C# for Twitter) that take <5 lines of code to update the status but im using eVC++3.0 (c)2000 here (Native code) so there is no SDK.
After 2 bruising weeks of working to create a DLL (DLL Hell) it works!! - and works great.
The problem : With the new oAuth API on Twitter the users of your application have to register an app at dev.twitter.com to get 4 codes:
Consumer Token
Consumer Secret
Access Token
Access Secret
The only way to get by this (user enters just username and password into your program) is to register for a Twitter service (extended API) that is REALLY REALLY REALLY hard to get unless your a large company (eg. RIM) otherwise forget it.

08-11-2010, 11:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 62
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
Actually, because of the new "Marketplace only" model for app distribution, I think you will have to pay for it all again. I cannot imagine the logicstical nightmare of a current owner of Application-X getting it from the Marketplace at no cost vs what we do now - just get it from the developer and inputting the reg code.
How about you enter your current Reg Code and it is recognised as an upgrade and the difference is credited back to your Marketplace account? Of you email the developer for the required code?
I'm sure it won't work but only becease MSoft has decided to hose the lot of it's current customers and replace them with disaffected iPhone/Android users who just want to download Apps onto their stock phones.
That doesn't sound like too many of us here!

08-12-2010, 12:04 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Originally Posted by MadSci
How about you enter your current Reg Code and it is recognised as an upgrade and the difference is credited back to your Marketplace account? Of you email the developer for the required code?
I'm sure it won't work but only becease MSoft has decided to hose the lot of it's current customers and replace them with disaffected iPhone/Android users who just want to download Apps onto their stock phones.
That doesn't sound like too many of us here!
Do the marketplace apps still use reg codes? The few I've purdhased for WM6.x don't. They are locked to your Windows LIve ID you log in with.
Besides, even if it did, your method cuts MS out of the $$$ loop. Developer puts up app for free, requires reg code. Install app, buy reg code from developer directly. That's a no-no.
No, I think we all start at ground zero, just like if we were moving to an entirely new platform, which we are basically.
Would love to be shown wrong here, but don't see how right now.