Akvis Retoucher 4.0 Released
"Akvis has just released Akvis Retoucher 4.0 for both Windows and Macintosh. The program can restore damaged photos by removing dust, scratches, stains, and by reconstructing the missing parts of a photo automatically. It can also be used to improve composition of a photo by removing irrelevant details and even large objects that spoil the impression of a photo. You can remove date stamps, logos, wires, refuse bins etc. Akvis Retoucher 4.0 is available both as a plug-in and as a standalone program, and sells for $87. Registered users with a Home license can upgrade to Retoucher 4.0 for free." There are many products out there for touching up and improving photo's and Akvis Retoucher is one of them. It seems to be aimed at improving old photo's but I'm sure it can be used just as well on new ones. I'm don't know how good it really is at removing large objects as above, but the marketing certainly looks impressive. You can find out more on the Akvis website.