1Password and Dropbox
"1Password can now sync via the cloud using Dropbox - this is a long awaited feature and is implemented really well. 1Password is a must have for any computer user - it stores all your passwords and automatically logs you in to sites. It can help you create secure passwords and even store billing addresses and credit card info making checkout really fast on sites." A welcome update indeed! Fair warning, this only works on the 1Password Pro version for the time being, but will be available soon on all versions once approved by Apple. To enable it, once you get the new version and if you have already been syncing via Dropbox, all you have to do is update your app. Macworld has a tutorial on how Dropbox syncing in general works if you aren't familiar, and if you already have 1Password and Dropbox syncing enabled, you can find out the details at 1Password on how to set up the automatic syncing.
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