Win a $50 Gift Card in the Easiest Contest Ever

Hey there Thoughts Media community! I was looking through an interesting discussion thread the other day, and I found myself realizing it was somewhat difficult to figure out who was saying what. Why? Because I'm a very visual person, and when I look at a discussion thread, I see avatars before I see the posting name. Back in the phpBB days, everyone had an avatar for their profile - but since we migrated to vBulletin a couple of years ago, it seems like adding an avatar to your profile is no longer the cool thing to do. Well, I say we make it cool again! Here's all you have to do in order to be in the running to win a $50 gift card for upload an avatar to your forum profile, and post a message as a response to this post telling me what you'd use the $50 gift card for. That's it - could you possibly imagine an easier contest? :-) If you don't want to upload a picture of yourself, there are many places to find avatars online (here, here, or here for starters). Keep them tasteful, respectful, and a maximum of 100 pixels by 100 pixels in size, and 19.5 KB or smaller. Non-animated GIFs and JPEGs are supported. One comment per person, and I'll leave this contest open for a full week, closing it down on Thursday the 29th of July at 12pm GMT -7. Let's see those avatars!