RIM, Nokia and HTC Dispute Apple's Claim of Universal Death Grip
"Research in Motion, Nokia, and HTC hit back at Apple Friday after chief executive Steve Jobs claimed that all smartphones have "weak spots" that could lead to the "death grip" problems witnessed on the Apple iPhone 4." 
image source: Mad 4 Mobile Phones Research in Motion (RIM), Nokia and HTC have all responded to last Friday's Apple claim that all the leading smartphones have "weak spots" leading to the "death grip." RIM's response was that Apple's claim was "unacceptable," and that RIM have used "innovative designs which reduce the risk of dropped calls, especially in areas of low coverage." Nokia's response acknowledged that the problem is real, but that their phones have been designed "... to ensure acceptable performance in all real life cases, for example when the phone is held in either hand." HTC's response (referring to the Droid Eris) was that "at the end of the day, customers aren't seeing a problem with our device, and that's the ultimate measure." Samsung had not responded at the time of this article. I don't know about you, readers, but I'm not eager to go back to the days of the brick-phone. I'll keep my iPhone 4, thank you!
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Albert Einstein