Encrypting Data in WP7
"Whether you're targeting Mobile Line of Business apps for the Enterprise or B2C apps for consumers, ensuring that sensitive data is encrypted is a must. These days, I can't have a serious discussion with a CIO unless I can assure her that my mobile device can protect data-in-transit and data-at-rest. You already know that Windows Phone 7 secures data-in-transit via SSL whether you're using Internet Explorer or calling a Web Service from a Silverlight app. What you may not know is how it covers the other bases." 
WP7 supports a variety of encryption schemes, and Rob Tiffany's post here takes a look at the methods available to encrypt and decrypt your app's data stored on the device. Encryption can be difficult to write in without spending a lot of time, so having it available in a quick and easy method looks like it will be quite handy.
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts