Crazy Asian Marketing That Makes No Sense

The delightfully stupid image above comes courtesy of Engadget's post on the Samsung N230. Engadget's gallery on this netbook has more images like the one above; is this really how Asian companies such as Samsung perceive North Americans? Do they really think that marketing their products like this is the best way to sell them? I often marvel at how impactful Apple's TV ads are, but when your competition is using marketing approaches like this - women in a field of grass playing with bubbles and holding your product - there's not much of a marketing battle going on. If you're going to advertise a netbook with a 13+ hour battery life, you need to show a business mobile worker, using your product throughout their busy day without needing to stop and recharge it - and it doesn't matter if that "worker" is a mom, a student, or a salesperson. Just please don't use "hot chicks" playing with bubbles - that's how you sell a whole different type of products, and netbooks aren't amongst them.