Impressive Packaging on the US Dell Streak
"You didn't think I'd mention all of that Dell Streak beta-testing business if I didn't actually have one for myself, did you? I already unboxed the UK version of the Streak but since the packaging is so different and could end up being what the retail devices ship in, I had to do another unboxing. There's no evidence on the box that this is a pre-production unit and it doesn't seem feasible for Dell to have made these boxes just for 1,000 beta testers, but there's always a chance that the final units will be packaged differently." 
Wow - compare that packaging to the UK version, and you can tell that Dell put a lot more effort into the US experience - maybe this means they'll be sold at retail in a bigger way? Lots of pictures and details over at the link, because this guy is one of 1000 beta testers in the USA, so he has the scoop. Anyone out there getting a Dell Streak? I'm rather intrigued by it myself...I like the idea of a device this size, but it really depends on the software/services that come along with it, and I'm not very familiar with anything running Android.