Gizmodo: "How a Silly Phone for Teens Reveals Microsoft's Plan for Us All"
"Despite its mobile prowess, Apple sucks at the internet. But surprisingly it's Microsoft-not Google-that's best positioned for Our Future in the Cloud. Here's why..." 
A well-written, well-researched piece by John Herrman - definitely worth the read. I agree with his general conclusions, and share his feeling that Microsoft is uniquely positioned to pull off some amazing integration...but I've been saying that same thing for several years in a row now. Microsoft seems really slow at pulling together all the pieces - it's a no brainer for Microsoft to leverage the Kin Studio for Windows Phone 7, but the question is, will they do it in time for launch? Or will it take them until Windows Phone 8 to make that happen? The mobile space is all about speed, and that's not something Microsoft excels at. Give the Gizmodo article a read and share your thoughts with me - do you agree that Microsoft has a compelling offering that no one else can match?