AT&T Pricing, What Does it all Mean?
"In case you missed it early this morning, AT&T's new mobile data plans (DataPlus, DataPro and Tethering) have given up on the idea of unlimited data in favor of a split tier of 200MB at the low end ($15) and 2GB at the high end ($25), with a $20 supplement for tethering (but hey -- tethering! and only six months late!)." 
Late, but at least now tethering is going to be an option. Lots of stories on the latest news out from AT&T on their changes in pricing for their mobile data plans. You can also find out more details from this "candid posting" at TUAW, and Gizmodo has some scenarios posted with regards to the new pricing plans. Bottom line is, you can keep your current plan but new customers, after this Monday, won't be able to get on the unlimited plans for the iPhone or iPad. And if you want tethering on your unlimited plan? Sorry, that only comes with the 2GB DataPro $25.00 USD per month plan. The upside is that if you aren't a heavy user (AT&T says 98% of their smartphone customers aren't heavy users), you get some cost savings (depending on your usage) and some flexibility as you can move in and out of the DataPlus and DataPro plans as your needs change. I'm not too happy about the tethering restrictions however. What are your thoughts on all of this?
iPhone 4, 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Air, Apple TV, 2.66GHz Intel C2D Mac Mini, 1TB TC, Airport Extreme,several iPods and an iPad, 32GB Wi-Fi version. Follow me on Twitter.