Corel Paint it! touch Released
"Corel Paint it! touch puts creativity right in your hands. Perfect for parents, kids and anyone who wants to have fun with digital art, this touch screen software brings new meaning to the word fingerpainting. Get in touch with your creative side by drawing or painting right on your touch screen monitor. Turn a photo into a painting with a just few quick finger taps and a lot less mess! You'll enjoy hours of doodling, sketching and enhancing images to make your digital art and photos come alive. Corel Paint it! touch-digital painting with your own special touch." The only skill I have with my fingers is typing on a keyboard and playing bass guitar, so I'm not the target market for this program, but it's nice to see Corel investing resources in making touch-focused applications. Touch on a computer is a classic chicken-and-egg problem; the hardware guys won't invest in making touch everywhere until there's software to use it, and the software is slow in coming because there's not enough hardware out there. Corel has moved the bar forward a little with this new app - looks like fun!