Contest Time! Win a Copy of Radium!
In conjunction with the quick look earlier today of Radium, the Internet radio player, the kind folks at CatPig Studios have kindly given us five copies of the program to offer for free to you our loyal readers! This contest is open to ANYONE regardless of where you live, and all you have to do is register in the forums and reply to this posting to enter. Remember, if you are new to the forums, give it 72 hours for your reply to show up. The contest ends on Friday, May 14th at noon Pacific time (GMT -7:00). Winners will be drawn randomly and be notified via private message in the forums. Good luck!
iPhone 4, 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Air, Apple TV, 2.66GHz Intel C2D Mac Mini, 1TB TC, Airport Extreme,several iPods and an iPad, 32GB Wi-Fi version. Follow me on Twitter.