Ever Made a Photo Book? Or Wanted To? Then Read This

This is one of those rare network-wide announcements, but if you own a digital camera, you'll probably be interested in this topic: this morning over on Digital Home Thoughts I published an article that was seven months in the making. This article is the single longest piece of writing I've ever published online; it's a gargantuan 15,000 words, has 87 images, and 12 videos. Don't worry, it's easy to read with a jump-list table of contents, and executive summaries in the conclusion. The topic? It's a photo book review - but not just any photo book review. I was searching for a photo book comparison review, and couldn't find anything that matched the scope I needed...so I took it upon myself to write it. It encompasses 12 different photo book companies, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out. So whether you're a photo book expert, or if you've never printed a photo book in your life but think you might like to, I think you'll find this review useful. I'd also appreciate you sharing it with others via Twitter, Facebook, etc., and digging this if you have a Digg account. Thanks everyone!