Get Your Music for Free With Guvera
"Guvera has spent several years negotiating rights all around the world and designing this new system to make music free by having advertisers pay for our downloads. As an added bonus we have removed the very concept of "Disruptive Advertising" and replaced it with "Engagement Advertising".What that means to you and me is we have removed the white noise of irrelevant crap being thrown at us - and now we only see brands that are actually speaking to us, as opposed to everyone seeing everything." It's an interesting concept - the idea is that you sign up for the service, and the advertisers in question show you an ad, ask you to fill our a survey, etc...and in exchange, you get free music. Will it work? Tough to say. I don't mind buying my music, though of course free is always better. I do value my time though, and it would have to be a really fast and easy to go get the music or I'd skip it. On the other hand, people who pay for music aren't exactly their target audience, so my impression of this service is skewed by my own opinions on the value of paying for content. What's your take? Would you use a service such as Guvera?