Enough With Animal Names! LG's WinPho 7Series' Name is Panther?
"LG's first Windows Phone 7 handset, which got shown off recently in the sweaty palm of a Microsoft director at the Engadget Show, will be called the LG Panther. Apparently. We know LG likes silly names, but Panther?" 
Seriously, Panther? Aside from the fact it's already been used, (good luck with branding), the name just doesn't sound exciting to me. While corporate naming decisions can be screwy (Xfinity anyone?), a well placed name can really work for a product (e.g., Treo, Razr, etc..). The first phone we know about from a new platform named after an apple-esque animal? Here's to hoping that this is mostly baseless rumor!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts