Opera Mobile 10 Beta 3 Released
"Today Opera Mobile 10 moves one step closer towards final with the release of Opera Mobile 10 Beta 3 for both Symbian/S60 and Windows Mobile. Beta 3 includes a few new features, and a lot of bug fixing and stabilization. Read more on www.opera.com/mobile. Or download it now at www.opera.com/mobile/download from a PC or "m.opera.com" from a mobile phone." New features in Beta 3 includes keypad support for non-touch Windows Mobile devices and experimental Flash Lite 3.1 support, along with numerous bug fixes and improved speed and stability. I've been using Beta 3 for a couple of days now on my Touch Pro 2, and while flash support is still a bit buggy (as anticipated but disabled by default), beta 3 has worked very well overall and is a noticeable improvement over previous versions. Have you had chance to try Beta 3 yet? If so, what do you think?