Chat with Windows Phone Designers at the TED Conference
"Here is a brief chat with Microsoft's Joe Belfiore and designers about how they think about design overall and how TED inspires them to utilize the ideas they take away from the conference to influence the design of products at Microsoft. The featured Windows Phone product members include Joe Belfiore, Albert Shum, Jae Park, Don Coyner, and Teresa Goertz." 
You can either click here or on the banner above to head over to the Windows Phone Blog and check out the video chat with some Windows Phone product members at the TED conference. I heard the word beautiful, simplicity, and experience several times. I wonder how many of us are going to use those words after experiencing Windows Mobile 7. I sure hope so. I think Microsoft knows they have to come up with something that has an integrated but awesome feel to it as well as productive. I'm excited and I think it's going to happen.
Tmo Dash