iPad a Drain on AT&T?
"Now that AT&T has taken its lumps from competitors and users over the size of its 3G network, the company is determined not to be caught flat footed again." 
So the day after iPad, AT&T comes out with information that basically says we won't let you down. They are committing to investing $2 billion USD on improving their wireless network in 2010 adding approximately 2,000 new cell sites to expand coverage. AT&T also expects by the end of 2011 to have 90 percent of their 3G network covered with the transition to HSPA 7.2 technology. Even though this came on the heels of the iPad announcement, I don't think this will be as much a drain on the AT&T network as others are thinking it will be. I'm of the opinion that this will mainly be in the home or used where there is Wi-Fi available for the most part. I could be wrong, but I'm basing it on the fact that the iPad, while portable, isn't like the iPhone that is carried everywhere you go. I see the regular user having it in a place they normally use Wi-Fi like the home, office or dorm. What are your thoughts?
iPhone 4, 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Air, Apple TV, 2.66GHz Intel C2D Mac Mini, 1TB TC, Airport Extreme,several iPods and an iPad, 32GB Wi-Fi version. Follow me on Twitter.