Ageye Infinity Skin Yet Another Way to Make WinMo 6.5 Suck Less
"If you don't have the good fortune of owning a Windows Mobile 5 or 6.x device that came preinstalled with a replacement UI (like TouchFLO, for instance) and you haven't ponied up for something like SPB Mobile Shell, there's a new kid on the block that might be worth your attention." Could it be that Microsoft leaves out the cool features on purpose? Is it to give other companies the opportunities to create software to sell? If the Ageye Infinity add on was a natural part of 6.5, boy would we be talking. Instead it seems that MS throws out a minimal upgrade and let's other companies spruce it up. While this is a slick extension, it feels like Windows Mobile is still playing catch up. I want to see something innovative from the wealthiest company in the world. Apple's doing it. Google's doing it. Ok, now that I'm done ranting, it is a cool program. Hit the link for a video and more info.
Tmo Dash