You MacBook Price is Relative
"While researching MacBook Pros, the folks at cmyplay produced an infographic charting the relative prices of MacBook Pros around the world. The variation is amazing." I know the graphic is pretty large, but it sure shows the disparity in pricing depending on where you buy. Hong Kong is the cheapest, followed by the US and then up from there (of course exchange rates at the time of this article may have changed altering some of these prices but you get the idea). Brazil is the highest priced but as they say in the article, there are other factors such as import duties and sales taxes at play more so here than anywhere else that Apple sells their products. It is an eye-opening comparison though isn't it?
iPhone 4, 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Air, Apple TV, 2.66GHz Intel C2D Mac Mini, 1TB TC, Airport Extreme,several iPods and an iPad, 32GB Wi-Fi version. Follow me on Twitter.