Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Makes a Quiet Appearance at CES
"Say, for a moment, that you're Microsoft and you're on the cusp of releasing a version of the much-maligned Windows Mobile 6.5 that actually made it touch-friendly for once -- but like all WinMo versions before it, you're relying on carriers and manufacturers to wage an inexcusably slow, arbitrary, incomplete upgrade campaign. Wouldn't you think that quietly burying its launch amongst a sea of more interesting (and less controversial) products might be a good idea?" The folks at Engadget, in their quest to report the weird and wonderful at CES, discovered Windows Mobile 6.5.3 running on a TG01 and Traveler, which more or less confirms its existence. When it'll officially be released as an upgrade for said devices is anyone's guess. It is, after all, in the hands of the related manufacturers and carriers. But what's so great about v6.5.3, anyway? More touch-friendly adjustments throughout the UI. Less great is the fact that they're somewhat of an eyesore. One can only hope that's something that the much-anticipated Windows Mobile 7 will rectify.