Backup Your Online Life With Backupify, Free Until Dec 31st
"Your lifestream contains important data, but all those pictures, videos, documents, and blog posts are exposed to potential loss. Some web 2.0 services shut down without warning. Others are hacked. Sometimes data is lost from basic human error, or the intentional actions of a disgruntled employee. Don't put your lifestream at risk when there is a simple, easy, low cost way to back it up." Backupify is an interesting service - it allows you to backup much of what you do online, slurping your data from Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Photobucket, and much more. They have plans to add YouTube account support, and others in the coming months. If you sign up for an account before December 31st, your account will remain free when they start charging for the service in 2010. Sign up now!