So AT&T Does Have Fast 3G Afterall
"Although AT&T has been taking a pounding lately from Verizon ads and from customer satisfaction surveys, a new study suggests that the carrier can take solace in the fact that its 3G wireless network is the fastest in the nation." The study from a company called Root Wireless, shows that in the areas where AT&T has 3G, the speeds are faster than any other major U.S. carrier. The tests were done in Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. The key point is that you need to be in a metropolitan area to even get the 3G speeds, so that is still a problem, one that Verizon has been pointing out regularly in their ads. But it is nice to know that, if you get in a 3G area, you will get a speedy connection if you are on AT&T, reassuring right?
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