Care For A REALLY Big Phone?
No, I'm not talking about the Touch HD2. C-motech, a Korean company, showed off a prototype of a 7" tablet running WM6.5 on the same Snapdragon platform. Details are sparse, but it supposedly has every wireless option known to man (bar CDMA), 2 USB slots, and a WVGA resistive touch screen. I'd expect pretty long battery life even driving that big screen, but try fitting this baby into your pocket! Manbag, anyone? Admittedly, this is more a candidate for the netbook/UMPC space, which makes the inclusion of cellular capability a plus point, but I think there are better alternative device strategies for the kind of usage scenarios this is meant to fill - especially if you're replacing your phone in the bargain. It is possible to take convergence a little too far.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."