Win One of Two Skooba Sidekick Laptop Bags

I've reviewed a lot of Skooba Design (formerly RoadWired) products over the years, and their latest line of messenger-style bags look great. The Sidekick bag is priced in the realm of your typical found-at-Best-Buy laptop bags ($79.95 USD, on sale right now for $39.95), but I'm willing to bet it's much better than anything you'd find at retail. I haven't looked at one of these yet, so I can't say for sure, but my previous experience with Skooba Design bags tells me I'm probably right. I keep trying other bags, but always go back to my Skooba bags. Want to win? All you have to do is tell me what you'd like to carry in the bag. Take a look at the photos on the Skooba product page, check out all the pockets and pouches, and post a message telling me what gadgets and gear you'd put into this bag. I'll randomly select two people and each will win one of these bags. This contest is open to anyone in the USA or Canada (sorry rest of world, shipping is too expensive on a large product like this). There's one post per person allowed, and the contest will stay open for one week, closing down on Wednesday the 11th of November at 3pm GMT -7. UPDATE: Thanks to everyone for entering! The two winners, randomly chosen, are Dyvim and NeilE. Yes, the same NeilE that won the last contest...but this is what happens when there are so few entries! We've got another Skooba Design contest coming up later this month, so watch for that.