Documents To Go Premium Edition Reviewed by WMExperts
"Documents To Go has been one of the leading applications for viewing and editing Microsoft Office documents for many years. With each release of Windows Mobile however, native Office support has been improved to include new features. Where does that leave Documents To Go and its $29.95 price tag?" Not so impressed with Office Mobile from Microsoft? Looking for something better? Documents To Go might be your answer. I've never tested this myself, as Office Mobile has always fallen into that "good enough until I get back to my office" category. For a mobile Word tool to be good enough for me to use for all the work I do, it would need to support both reading and adding of comments, which would be quite a challenge on a small screen - though there are clever ways of doing it. Documents To Go gets a positive rating in this review, and those of you out there with Windows Mobile Standard devices may want to pay special attention given that Office Mobile on non-touchscreen devices is a little hobbled.