08-13-2009, 01:00 PM
Contributing Editor
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 3,111
CoPilot Live v8 Launched
"CoPilot® LiveTM v8 takes full advantage of today's GPS-enabled touchscreen phones to deliver the same level of performance as a standalone navigation system. With intuitive and fluid menus, advanced guidance features and an array of useful Live information services, it makes finding the way easier on every journey, whether in-car or on-foot." 
Along with UI and CoPilot OnDemand improvements, CoPilot Live v8 has some new features, including internet search, weather, geo-tagged photo navigation, in-tunnel guidance, voice recognition, and a whole bunch of other goodies that make the upgrade price of $24.99 more than worthwhile. If you're new to CoPilot, the software costs $34.99 for the North American version (the European version is also available right now). Hit the link for the full press release.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."

08-13-2009, 03:07 PM
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 69
Originally Posted by Nurhisham Hussein
"CoPilot� LiveTM v8 takes full advantage of today's GPS-enabled touchscreen phones to deliver the same level of performance as a standalone navigation system. With intuitive and fluid menus, advanced guidance features and an array of useful Live information services, it makes finding the way easier on every journey, whether in-car or on-foot."

Along with UI and CoPilot OnDemand improvements, CoPilot Live v8 has some new features, including internet search, weather, geo-tagged photo navigation, in-tunnel guidance, voice recognition, and a whole bunch of other goodies that make the upgrade price of $24.99 more than worthwhile. If you're new to CoPilot, the software costs $34.99 for the North American version (the European version is also available right now). Hit the link for the full press release.
I tried out CoPilot a year or so ago & was very disappointed. I have lived at the same address for 6 years. Copilot didn't have my address or even my subdivision listed. I figured if my address of 6 years wasn't listed then what other address am I going to find missing. I had installed for only a few hours before I unistalled it & shipped it back for a refund.
The GUI did look pretty go & it did have fairly good reviews. However they were behind when compared to teh likes of TomTom.

08-13-2009, 03:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 274
The problem is Copilot in the US uses Alk's proprietary maps which are not as good as Navteq or Teleatlas. This is clear from the missing features from the US version of CP8 (lane guidance, speed limits) which are part of the map data which they obviously dont provide and which doesnt bode well for their map data accuracy. For all the new fancy new GUI it still wont be as good as something like OCN which uses Teleatlas and has all the features of Copilot except Voice control, which is a paid extra and an unknown cost.
Back to being The Last Windows Mobile Fanboy - now with a Dell Venue Pro!

08-13-2009, 03:52 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 72
I suppose that the accuracy of the maps is a reflection of the user location. I live in Western Kentucky and do an extensive amount of traveling to cities in TN, GA, IN, and OH.
I have found some blips on the maps but overall I have been led to my destination well and with good verbal guidance so that I could keep my eyes on the road at all times.
I have submitted GPStracks back to the publisher from time to time which has help them keep up to date I suppose.
The most amusing one was a just completed 4 lane state highway in KY that showed I was driving through "the fields". I sent the track in to ALK and I downloaded a new set of maps the next month and found that I was then driving on marked highway (the appropriately labeled state highway).
I am sorry for others difficulties but as for me, I have purchased the update with discount and will be using it this weekend with glee.
Thanks for reading... have a wonderful day.

08-13-2009, 05:19 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 16
this package looks pretty good and I might try it. I like that I can install it and use it, OCN requires that you purchase it on a card. Garmin want like $200 for the software package and TomTom does not seem to care about phones/PDA's unless it is a iphone. $35 seem reasonable if it works. Any other recomendations for a HTC Fuze?

08-13-2009, 11:39 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,202
$35.00 sounds like a good value. It appears the free Google Maps and Windows Live Search (Bing) have started to push down the cost of these solutions. I had been using an older version of Tom Tom, 6, I think, but recently just started using Live Search. It's up-to-date, has a great list of POIs, does a decent job in routing and re-routing, loads quickly and is free. The only negative occurs if you are directionally challenged, like me, and have a hard time orienting your self as North is always up, so you don't get a first person view like on dedicated GPS systems.
However, just based upon price, this sounds like a pretty good deal, something we don't get to say too often about Windows Mobile Software.

08-14-2009, 04:56 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 99
I'd be willing to try this. I recently used Google Maps on a trip back east and while it's free and I'm huge Google supporter, I'd like to try this out. I don't want to have a constant connection if I can avoid it and I also like the voice features that are available. I do want to try it out as a demo (15-30 days would be nice). I just don't want to install anything on my phone without running compatibility checks first.

08-14-2009, 02:31 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 87
wow great price.. problem with copilot here (australia) is it costs $169 (about US$145) just for an upgrade from 6 to 7...

08-15-2009, 05:02 AM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 16
Yes, it may well depend on where you live. But I paid far too much for CoPilot 6 a few years ago, and I've been very disappointed with the mapping data for my corner of Massachusetts. You see, this area has been settled since colonial times, and it seems that's when ALK got it's mapping data.
OK, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but we two middle have schools here that were sold off and made into condos 30 years ago, and ALK still lists them, and the rest of the middle schools -- as "Junior High Schools" -- something they haven't been called in 30 years.
But that's minor. The real problem is when I'm on state Route 9 here, which locals know is a divided highway, and it tells me to turn left where there is no left turn (because it's a divided highway).
Forget about trying to go anyplace that's been built in the last 30 years.
In short, their mapping data for Massachusetts is atrocious. Although I like the fact that it's not hardware locked to an SD card, I'm still not sure if CoPilot 8 is even worth $30. ALK should go around and license NavTech or TeleAtlas if they want to stay in this business.

09-23-2009, 06:13 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 1
Here's my experience with AT&T Fuze running WM 6.5
Some experience with the Windows Mobile version:
Great for navigation if you know where you are going (such as a contact, address, or a saved favorite)! Nice new routing controls compared to CoPilot 6 or 7, and easy to terminate or hide the program on my AT&T Fuze (HTC Raphael) running WM 6.5 compared to previous versions .
Routing and address lookups are much better, but you still need to be careful when selecting an initial city or zipcode because if you choose wrong, you might not find your destination!!!
Current NA POI database is VERY patchy!!! In the US, NO NATIONAL STORE LOCATIONS such as Home Depot, Lowe�s, McDonalds, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Staples, Home Depot, etc. All the stuff you need to locate when you are travelling outside of your home locale is not in the database!!! As a stand-alone navigator without data access, the lack of a national POI database makes it less useable than a really cheap stand-alone GPS.
The newly released Live Search kind of compensates for the bad POI database, but it means you have to have a data connection to find and route to any of these national destinations. If that is a requirement (data connection), there are several alternative means to find a destination, Google Maps, Telenav GPS, GPS Today, Bing, etc. One very strong point of CoPilot 5-7 was that it was very useful without a data connection.
Hopefully an updated POI database will soon be available!
There are a few bugs as with any newly released software, but they don't seem to be to consequential once you know they are there...when selecting a destination via Points of Interest, choosing Restaurants brings up Hotels, and choosing Hotels, brings up Restaurants.
Distances and general direction to found POI locations would be nice!
Although Commuter Rail Station SEEMS to be a Category, none of the rail stations are in the database in my area!
My local Post Office (search Municipal category) is not present and on a recent trip choosing a nearby post office in the database took me to a location that didn't have a post-office!!!
The POI problems weren't in versions 6 or 7...
The QWERTY keyboard disappeared in the 7 to 8 upgrade, but rumor has it that it will be available later...hopefully NOT at additional cost. p.s. what's wrong with calling the current WM keyboard selection? A proprietary touch keyboard may have been necessary in the past, but there have been tremendous advances in the available WM keyboards!
POI alerts for the next Turnpike/Freeway exits disappeared in the version 5 to 6 (I think) upgrade, NEVER to return! Rest stops seem to be included, but I wouldn't count on it. Distances to the next exit are very important if you have to use the bathroom or desperately need gas.
CoPilot support is VERY GOOD!!! You won�t be disappointed.
Be careful with their marketing, however, as it leaves something to be desired as a long-time user.
ALK seems to leave out desirable features from a previous release if they are having licensing/development issues. For example, Full Text to Speech disappeared from CoPilot 6 to CoPilot 7 and has yet to appear back in CoPilot 8! Live traffic disappeared in the upgrade from CoPilot 7 to CoPilot 8 (a $10 upgrade discount) and will reappear as a $20/year �add-on� with Live Services in CoPilot 8 (no discount for previous users)! Text to Speech will undoubtedly be another �add-on� at additonal cost.
I don�t have a problem with unbundling features to keep the price low, but it certainly would be nice to communicate up front with previous users what is going on in terms of pricing/feature sets/upgrades. Without good communication it feels like �bait and switch� marketing, and a $10 loyalty discount doesn�t cut it...although I paid $99 for my 6 to 7 upgrade.
Finally, if you look at the website it appears that CoPilot 8 has a feature similar to �lane assist� where it will indicate which lane you should go to make a turn on a multi-lane highway. When I called support, they said that this feature is only available in the UK as the US database does not have this data�maybe they should talk to Garmin, Sony, Dash, etc.? Again, not a big deal if the ads/website has a disclaimer, but to find out after a purchase make a user feel taken.
That being said, my experience with CoPilot has been very good on the WM platform now for several years, starting with an HP IPAQ with external GPS to my current phone running WM 6.5 with an internal GPS.
I hope the iPhone/Android platform users will have similar good fortunes!!!