WiMAX Samsung Mondi Coming to Vegas August 1
"Dieter got his hands on the WiMAX-enabled Samsung Mondi back at CTIA in April and was less than impressed. Samsung decided to release the device anyway, and it comes alongside the launch of WiMAX service in Las Vegas. Sammy says the 4G Mondi will be available in Atlanta, Las Vegas and Portland, Ore. - three of the initial WiMAX launch cities - starting Aug. 1 for an undisclosed sum." 
If, unlike Dieter, you're still interested in the Samsung Mondi, you'll be able to pick one up starting August 1 for some probably-not-so-cheap amount of money. Oh, and you can really only use it to it's full potential in a few markets (Even fewer than T-Mobile 3G!). But if you want it, you can soon have it.
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts