ZTE Showcases Two WM Phones
ZTE, a telecoms manufacturer based in China, is showing off two new WM GSM phones at Wireless Japan 09. Both models feature HSPA, GPS and FM radios, with the Xiang offering a 3MP AF camera, 2.5" touchscreen, and a front-facing QWERTY keyboard, while the Raise has a 5MP AF camera and a 3.2" touchscreen. The real disappointment in this age of multimedia powerhouses is that the screens are just QVGA - that's sooo 2006. Since ZTE does some ODM work for a number of carriers, there's a possiblity you might see these outside of Asia as entry-level offerings.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."