Confirmed: Samsung i8000 Is The Omnia II
"Alongside Omnia Pro B7610, Omnia Pro B7320 and the Jet, Samsung has also unveiled the Omnia II i8000 and the Omnia Lite B7300 - so there's a total of five new phones announced by the South Korean company today (two more than Nokia)...First, let's talk about the Samsung Omnia II i8000, which doesn't look too different from the Jet." Samusung announced not one, but four new models in the Omnia lineup. Apart from the i8000 Omnia II (pic above) we talked about earlier, there's the Omnia Pro B7610 and Omnia Pro B7320, as well as the Omnia Lite B7300. Details are still sparse, but it looks like the Omnia II will receive a free upgrade to WM6.5 when that comes out.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."