WWDC is Coming... Time For Predictions and a Contest!

Alrighty, folks.�* WWDC is upon us, so you have the whole weekend to get your predictions on the record.�* I have some beautiful Vaja and Senna iPhone 3G cases in my goodie bag to give away, so here's what we're going to do... In the comments section, leave 3-5 predictions for WWDC.�* We'll give away one case to a random commenter, and one case to the person who went most out on a limb and hit a nail on the head.�* The cases are valued anywhere from $30 to $75 so this is a good giveaway for you all to take part in, and it's pretty easy stuff. Rules: 1.�* Minimum 3 predictions per post. One entry per thread, although you're welcome to post as much as you want, we'll only count one post. 2.�* Open to residents of the US and Canada only for the cases but international readers can have a $35 electronic Amazon gift certificate if they happen to win. 4.�* Editors of the site will judge whose predictions were best including whether or not they just repeated what we already knew.�* More weight will be given to those that don't predict the obvious. 5.�* Don't flood the comments section with multiple lists of predictions just to win the "random reader" prize. 6.�* All decisions are final. 7.�* No whining! Good luck, and here's to a great WWDC!
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.