So It Actually Does Work?
"I'm super paranoid about leaving my Mac unattended. Given that it's my lifeblood, it's rare that it's more than an arm's reach away. I abhor the thought of what would happen if my MacBook was stolen and I had to invest in a new one.Yeah, yeah, I know there's this Undercover software that's out there-a LoJack-style setup that snaps pics and sends data back to a central location in the event of a computer theft. But honestly, between you and me, I've always wondered how well something like this performs in the real world."
Well now we know, as this Macbook owner found out when his was stolen during a burglary. Took him three months but at least he got it back and now we all know that yes, Virginia, Undercover actually can help you recover your Macbook if it gets stolen. They have a version for the iPhone as well, but that requires the thief to actually turn the program on. With the Undercover for the Macbook it works behind the scenes when the Macbook is turned on, quite tricky actually. They have single license for $49.00 USD or family plan for $59.00.
iPhone 4, 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Air, Apple TV, 2.66GHz Intel C2D Mac Mini, 1TB TC, Airport Extreme,several iPods and an iPad, 32GB Wi-Fi version. Follow me on Twitter.