GScroll 2.0 Adds More Touch Functions To HTC Touch Diamond And Touch Pro
I wish this was available for more devices: MobileSRC's GScroll adds a whole bunch of functions to the capacitive touch panel of the HTC Touch Diamond and Touch Pro (plus the AT&T Fuze), including: - Swiping to scroll
- Launching applications with gestures
- Application switching
- Tap & Tilt, utilizing the built-in accelrometer for scrolling and panning
- Per process customization
GScroll 2.0 is available for $4.99 for registered users of GScroll 1.x, and is on offer for $6.99 for a limited time through our affiliate link. A free trial is available for those who want to try it out first.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."