MP3 Player Connectivity Very Important to New Car Buyers
"Adding iPod connectivity as standard equipment on their vehicles could save American automobile manufacturers from extinction, according to recent research by Jacobs Media. [...] The study asked prospective vehicle purchasers to rate the most desired features and options relating to entertainment, music, and information. Nearly half (47%) of the respondents said iPod and other MP3 player connectivity was “very important” to them, ranking above satellite radio, GPS, DVD player, and HD Radio." 
Interesting, isn't it? I just bought a new truck, and I wasn't really looking for a lot of things when I was in the market, but two must have features for me were satellite radio (no way in hell you'll catch me on the FM band, and rarely on the AM band) and a 1/8" jack for my iPhone. My Chevy Traverse had both and I'm not going to lie; that was a major selling point for me. In fact, almost all GM cars have both as standard equipment now. Once you have the convenience of a connector for your iPod / iPhone, everything else (particularly those damn "I only work in the sticks FM Transmitters") seems like an exercise in frustration.
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.