Proporta Offers Protective Crystal Case for Unibody Macbooks
"The Impact Protective Crystal Case (13" MacBook) is designed to keep your MacBook safe and sound at all times. Crafted to the exact specifications of the device, its scratch resistant top shell adds almost no bulk, yet offers unrivalled protection against knocks, impact damage, and any other surprises that life might have in store." I've wanted something like this for my MBP since the day I got it, but if I had a MacBook I'd surely snap one of these up. Aluminum cases look great, but they dent like nobody's business, so every extra bit of protection helps, and at $43.95 (USD) it's something you may want to consider. After all, your notebook is a $1300 investment!
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.