More Details On 2009 HTC Roadmap
"We have just received a tip regarding HTC’s 2009 line-up which includes details on a number of upcoming devices. First, the exciting ones:" While nothing's set in stone, we're finally getting some details on the roadmap leaked in January. We have here quick details on six models - Firestone (Touch HD update), Whitestone (GSM/EVDO combo), Thoth (Advantage update), Twin (GSM/CDMA combo), Maple (Excalibur update) and Cedar (CDMA version). There's also a picture of the HTC Tungsten, but no details are forthcoming on that model. Launch/announcement dates vary from May to September this year, so not long now - look for FCC leaks in the next couple of months. Hit the link for more details!
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."