Rumor: Next Gen Mac Mini Photographed
"A photo making the rounds on the Internet appears to conform to descriptions of a next-generation Mac mini published by AppleInsider earlier in the year. The photo shows the rear of a Mac mini that includes five USB ports instead of 4, both mini DVI and Mini DisplayPort connectors, and FireWire 800 instead of 400 -- all of which were specifications for a next-generation Mac mini first published by AppleInsider back in January. For what it's worth, this is the second picture of a Mac mini seen by AppleInsider with such a port makeup, the first of which we were asked not to publish. While we cannot vouch for the authenticity of this new photo, it shows a Mac mini that is identical in every way to the system in the unpublished photo, which was said to be a prototype from last fall." 
As I've made clear on here on numerous occasions, I'm anxiously awaiting the new Mac Mini. I was hoping that this machine, which is, to me, the ultimate gateway drug into Mac computers wouldn't be discontinued or put out to pasture. Now it seems like every day we're hearing a new rumor about the next version of the Mini. I'm all for it, and honestly if there is a new Mini with a nVidia GPU on board, I'll be buying it the day it comes out; no questions asked. Anyone else?
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.