80% of WinMo Devices Made by HTC
"While playing up the fact that 50 phone makers around the world have licensed the company's Windows Mobile platform, Microsoft inadvertently let it slip out that a full 80% of all Windows Mobile phones ever made have actually come from a single maker: HTC." 
Why did I pick to post this? Shortly after the first iPhone was released, Don Reisinger of C-Net did an interview with someone from the Windows Mobile team at Microsoft who reminded us that Apple was the only maker of devices with the iPhone OS, but Microsoft had tons of licensees that would develop a wide range of diverse devices. The only problem is that 20% of the devices are being built by 49 out of 50 of those licensees. I bring this up because this is yet another time that the iPhone and Apple were criticized for something when out rolls another device or company with the same shortcomings. For another shining example, see the Palm Pre and its web apps compared to the iPhone and its initial web apps model. Microsoft loves the diversity of its platform, but no matter how you look at it, one company making 80% of your handsets isn't a diverse market.
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.