Monster StereoLink: Zune Tunes on Your Home Stereo

Monster's StereoLink is an adapter cable allowing you to plug your Zune into your home stereo system, or other audio equipment. On one end, you have a standard 3.5mm headphone jack to plug into your Zune's headphone port. On the other end, you have standard stereo RCA-style plugs, labeled with red and blue bands. The cable uses 25k gold connecters, and is an ample seven feet in length. The StereoLink cable is very flexible with a high quality feel to it, and the plugs provide a snug, firm connection. I used the StereoLink cable to connect my Zune into my Sony home theater receiver. I typically keep my receiver at about a 40% volume level for most activities. With the Zune connected to the receiver, I had to crank my Zune's volume up to 100%, and increase to receiver's volume to about 75% to receive an acceptable volume level. Other than having to pump of the volume a good bit, I did feel that I received good quality sound through this connection. The Monster StereoLink retails for $29.95. Get yours at our Amazon Affiliate store!