Apple 101: How to Correctly Use the Mighty Mouse
"Here's a simple one-finger solution for Mighty Mouse right-click problems: Use only your index finger for both buttons. Using the index finger for left-clicking and and right-clicking provides reliable operation of the buttons on both sides of the mouse. Your thumb should not be further forward than the side button on the left side of the mouse. The position of the fingers on the right side of the mouse is relatively unimportant." 
As maligned as the Mighty Mouse is, it's still my favorite mouse ever. Apple did a great disservice making it not take-a-partable, and the silly roller ball (which is really the best part of the Mighty Mouse) really does get gunked up a lot, but other than that, I thoroughly love my Mighty Mouse and wouldn't trade it for any other mouse I've ever used. I haven't had too much trouble getting it to pick up right clicks, but I've also learned to make a distinct click on the right side. Maybe it just takes practice!
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.