Best Selling Windows Mobile Phones Of All Time
Mike Temporale of Mobile Jaw got some interesting stats on eleven Windows Mobile devices that sold over 1,000,000 units during its life. I know that may not sound like a huge amount when you compare it to the iPhone that has sold well over 10 million units in the relatively short 18 month life, you have to remember, the iPhone has two models, the original released in mid-2007 and the 3G model released in mid-2008. Windows Mobile devices however, are legion. There are far more than I could ever hope to keep up with. Not surprising, seven were made by HTC (when you include the HTC built Audiovox SMT), while Samsung made three and Motorola made one, the ever-popular Q. What was surprising to me is there were no Palm Treo's on this list. Head over to the article to read the models that made the list. Mike draws some interesting conclusions on touch vs non-touch and keyboard vs keyboardless devices. ![Did someone mention my name?](